
16 June 2010

When a Wednesday feels like a Friday

Today was a brilliant one.
The sky stretched blue and bright - bold in autumns flight; and leaves fall and tempests dry;

i walk the streets and constantly cry - out to people, families, children, tangata whenua i meet -
KIA KAHA, laugh, play, be kind, be bold, go well and purposely...


Monday in the rain and wet i felt the burdens of stony satchels from years of precedent and who writes better than who and who sounds 'more' credible WINS... It aint about truth.  .  .  .  OMG, and a child is still involved at the heart of everything and ...  cough cough ...  yep says the ex-social worker - now lawyer - there are many things that don't add up. .  .
Forget wanting to tell the truth... ???
and this is what is hard,
when all my life telling the truth has been hailed as a key value, a key personal quality that is valued in our relationships with each other - and my works with family and family members - truthing is key to maintaining and sustaining healthy, vibrant and strong relationships...
So if  truth is some idealistic and fairy tale notion than i got no business in this social work (especially court side) business.

And Mum feels the crushing hand of injustice taking her by the throat -
and fears for her daughter,
but it dont matter what she think,
important influential key individuals are involved
and if they say it
then so be it..
no matter what the truth is.

i fall asleep late and dream my dreams of being a world famous photographer.

the ups and the downs in moments dance, are truely memorable


Tuesday i start early cause my day is choka with peoples.
and i
make a mental note to thinking about what i'm going to say about
managing the supporting of families
and how much (or how little) it takes

WOW - life NOT an island


And as i run from place to place i come to a skidding stop with the young couple who are struggling to stay happy and hopeful when the mould in there home regrows =  reappears within 48 hours of wiping it, its crawling insistence, it grows onto the material cot...  omg ;   and there is no insulation, and no the landlord wont do it;

and thougb / when conflict and tension surmounts,
to the family i repeat softly important codes, bottom lines...
the importances of treating each other with honour and darling like sounds...

All actions
 determine the state of the relationship tomorrow

and today

Tuesday reminded me how,  bureaucracy and bureaucrats shape their relationships through policy and pontifications - pens and paper - snippets and moments used as descriptors; definers; power players.


Wednesday nearly over and i know i should be writing notes

but i only paid for 40 hours, and already i done that many

glad i love working and doing what i do :-)


Stand Strong Out There


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