
02 May 2010

Conscientising ...

Having been facilitating knowledge fests Wommin Refuge stylez :-)
I look at myself and consider all the information there is to impart and my eyes open wider.  The world is indeed becoming a much smaller place and living a life that is both joyfull and purposefull requires us to be Politically Correct with every encounter.  OMG thats incredibly difficult ESPECIALLY when time and timing is EVERYTHING.

There can be no peace without Justice.  Justice the seed, peace the flower.  Be mindfull where we tread, and what we say, how we say it and why we are saying it.  Talk less, say more ...

Dusk is toning down the colours and as light fades I continue to dance quite a light fantastic.  People DO care.  Yes, we can work together.  And as i sing the song of Trade Winds, I am thankfull for the hope and faith I do have :-)

We can only do what we can only do,

So now I am going to make a mosaic before I really DO GO ON

Take Care Out There

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